Nuffield report underlines importance of public participation if people are to trust how their medical records are used for research

The Nuffield Council on Bioethics have today published their report: 'The collection, linking and use of data in biomedical research and health care: ethical issues' following months of inquiry by an expert working group Chaired by Professor Martin Richards.  Here's a copy of the actual report. There is much coverage in the media already including the … Continue reading Nuffield report underlines importance of public participation if people are to trust how their medical records are used for research

Partridge Review’s elegant demolition of past practice on personal data offers opportunity for fresh start with the public

Sir Nick Partridge's review published today, of data releases by the NHS Information Centre, is an elegant demolition of all that has gone before in the way in which medical records have been commoditised and shared with public and private sector organisations.  Everyone should read it. I am sure that many better informed people than I … Continue reading Partridge Review’s elegant demolition of past practice on personal data offers opportunity for fresh start with the public

Simon Stevens puts innovation and patients as innovators front-of-house in NHS

Simon Stevens, the relatively new NHS Chief Executive, put innovation front-of-house in his speech to the NHS Confederation yesterday.  He identified it as one of three elements crucial to 'future-proofing' the NHS for the challenges ahead.  You can read the full speech here.  But I have also included the relevant extract below as it is worth reading. A few points … Continue reading Simon Stevens puts innovation and patients as innovators front-of-house in NHS

A bit of a public involvement mash-up including that idea for an NHS Civil Society Assembly

So here's my unsubstantiated personal theory. It is that one of the root causes of the problems besetting today's NHS' is our failure to pay proper heed to the growing crisis in accountability and responsibility that has been a feature of our increasingly complex health system over the last seventy years.  From almost the day … Continue reading A bit of a public involvement mash-up including that idea for an NHS Civil Society Assembly